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Cancer Research

Most cancer research follows established lines of medical research. Dr. Gerald B. Dermer, in The Immortal Cell, suggests that much of this research is ineffective because it is performed on immortal cells in a petri dish that are sufficiently different (see 3 quotes on pages 102-103) from in vivo cells and are poor (i.e. inaccurate) models.

Our hypothesis is that water interactions with macromolecules has to change before growth can occur, be it normal or cancer growth. This change in the water environment is what is “measured” in MRI. If we are correct, part of the key to understanding cancer growth is identifying how this change in water binding is triggered. The immortal cell lines, therefore, represent already changed cells and, as Dr. Dermer posits, could not identify causes, although such research remains valid for treatment.

A logical extension of our work would be development of pharmaceuticals that prevent the conversion of cells to rapidly growing cancer cells as compared with killing cells that have already converted.

WISSH started as a consortium of scientist to bring a multidisciplinary approach to cancer research. Different fields have different knowledge and skills, and the multidisciplinary approach adds perspectives that work in one field that might not be used in another.

An example is the application of food science (our founder) to medical research.  In a nutshell, medical practitioners look at proteins in their natural state and have little interest in proteins in other forms. This bold statement can be supported by two observations in the medical literature.  Although the science is reported, understanding the conclusion requires no formal training in science. (So please read on.)

Christian Anfinsen was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work on ribonuclease (a protein) through which he concluded that proteins conformation (shape) is dictated by its primary structure (sequence of amino acids) and that proteins form into a shape which is its most stable conformation. The first statement is true for all proteins; the second true for SOME, including ribonuclease. But the projection of Anfinsen’s ideas to all proteins was generally accepted by the medical community.

Food scientists study proteins in all forms. Anyone who has cooked an egg knows that minor application of heat will change albumin (protein in egg white) from a soluble protein to a white insoluble form. Since this white form will not revert back to the soluble form, it is apparent that the natural conformation of albumin is NOT the most stable form.

The second example is PRIONs, which remain controversial. PRIONs are proteins which can exist in two active states, a natural form and a disease form. The existence of PRIONs is inconsistent with Anfinsen’s second conclusion, but is consistent with other protein observations.


How we got started

WISSH Research

     Why does a coffee plant produce caffeine if it doesn’t keep late hours?

         Does it really hurt to be a willow tree?   Why does it make so much aspirin?


Anomalous Water Behavior symposia

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

            Drug interactions

            Growth studies of plants

            Water in cancer & healthy cells


Vicinal Water

Water Structure